Terms and Conditions


Pursuant to art. 8 sec. 1 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2013, item 1422), Dr Irena Eris S.A. with its registered office in Piaseczno, at ul. Armii Krajowej 12, 05-500 Piaseczno, hereinafter referred to as Dr Irena Eris, hereby publishes the terms of use for the website www.drirenaeris.com, including for the services provided electronically:

I. Defined terms.

The terms used in these Terms of Use shall have the following meaning:

  1. Service – an organized IT and information platform connected to the Internet, created by  Dr Irena Eris S.A., allowing the Users to use IT mechanisms prepared, among others for marketing purposes and the information developed by  Dr Irena Eris S.A. as well as other global Internet resources and to realize commercial transactions via the Internet, also known as the website www. drirenaeris.com.
  2. Terms of use – this document specifying the rules and technical conditions for the provision of electronic services, which is also the legal basis for using the Website.
  3. Dr Irena Eris – a company operating under the name of Dr Irena Eris S.A. with its registered office in Piaseczno, at ul. Armii Krajowej 12, 05-500 Piaseczno, registered in the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 14th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS registry no. 0000051003, with a share capital of PLN 35 556 400, NIP no. 123-02-88-525 06, REGON no.: 142584703.
  4. Dr Irena Eris Group – the following entities, jointly: Dr Irena ERIS S.A. with its registered office in Piaseczno, , Hotele SPA Dr Irena ERIS Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw, Hotel SPA Dr Irena ERIS Wzgórza Dylewskie Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Wysoka Wieś, Hotel SPA Dr Irena ERIS Krynica Zdrój Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Krynica Zdrój, Hotel SPA Dr Irena ERIS Polanica Zdrój Sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw.
  5. User – an entity using the Website in any way.
  6. Personal data – shall mean the information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable natural person is a person who can be directly or indirectly identified, in particular on the basis of an identifier such as name and surname, identification number, location data, internet identifier or one or more specific physical, physiological, genetic, mental factors, economic, cultural or social identity of a natural person, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95 / 46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
  7. Electronic services – services provided electronically by Dr Irena Eris S.A. or other entities from the Dr Irena Eris Group.
  8. Information services– information provided at the User’s individual request (by displaying a page with a specific URL address) regarding marketing campaigns and promotions, competitions, loyalty programs, events and news, as well as products or services available at Dr Irena Eris S.A. or other entities from the Dr Irena Eris Group.
  9. Cookies – information saved by the server of Dr Irena Eris S.A., on User’s computer, which can be read each time the computer connects to the Website. Cookies are used by Dr Irena Eris S.A., among other things, in order to adapt the content and services available on the Website to the individual needs and interests of individual Website Users. Cookies provide statistical data on Users’ traffic and their use of individual pages of the Dr Irena Eris S.A. website. The user may at any time disable the option of accepting Cookies in his browser, however, disabling Cookies may make it difficult or even impossible to use some of the services of Dr Irena Eris S.A.. At the same time, to the fullest extent permitted by law,  Dr Irena Eris S.A. declares that it is not responsible for the use of Cookies on other websites, available to Users, thanks to the links placed on the websites of Dr Irena Eris.
  10. Newsletter – Electronic service provided by Dr Irena Eris S.A., the content of which is the transmission of information, in particular about marketing campaigns and promotions, contests, loyalty programs, events and news, regarding products or services available in  Dr Irena Eris S.A.or other entities from the Dr Irena Eris Group to the e-mail address provided by the User. Due to the fact that the Newsletter may contain commercial information, it is sent only to Users who have expressed their willingness to receive it, by entering their e-mail address into the form provided by the Website.
  11. Act on providing services electronically – Act of 18th July 2002 on provision of services electronically (Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. no. 144, item 1204 as amended).

II. Preliminary issues.

  1. Upon taking steps to use the Website’s services, each User is obliged to comply with these Regulations.
  2. These Terms of Use constitute an integral part of the contracts for the provision of electronic services concluded by Dr Irena Eris with Users.
  3. The requirement for the proper display of the Website’s pages and the use of Electronic Services provided by Dr Irena Eris via the website www.drirenaeris.comis that the system and software installed on the User’s computer meet the following requirements:
     a) Having an operating system: minimum Windows 7, minimum MAC OS X, Android 4.0.
     b) Connection to an internet connection with a minimum bandwidth of 1024 kb / s for downloading and 512 kb / s for sending information.
     c) Alternative installation of a web browser: Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 17, Mozilla Firefox 8.0, Opera 11, Safari 7 or newer versions.
     d) Cookies and Java Script enabled,
     e) Properly configured e-mail.
  4. Dr Irena Eris S.A. also recommends the use of anti-virus software.
  5. Dr Irena Eris S.A. is not responsible for the operation of any malicious programs (e.g., viruses) in the User’s IT infrastructure.
  6. Dr Irena Eris S.A., in cooperation with various entities belonging to the Dr Irena Eris Group, provides the User with many subservices where Users can use the services provided by Dr Irena Eris S.A. and entities belonging to the Dr Irena Eris Group.
  7. In the case of subservices to the services owned by Dr Irena Eris S.A. or other entities belonging to the Dr Irena Eris Group, these Regulations shall apply, unless otherwise specified in the detailed regulations regarding the given electronic service provided by Dr Irena Eris S.A. or an entity from the Dr Irena Group Eris.

Terms of concluding the agreements for the provision of Electronic Services

  1. As soon as the User enters the appropriate internet address in the web browser, the website www.drirenaeris.com chosen by him, the contract for the provision of information services by electronic means is concluded.
  2. The termination of the contract for the provision of information services by electronic means takes place upon the User’s exit from the Website.
  3. Concluding and terminating other contracts with Dr Irena Eris S.A. is subject to the provisions of specific regulations.
  4. Dr Irena Eris S.A. undertakes to provide the highest quality service possible, however, it is not responsible for interruptions and disruptions caused by force majeure or unauthorized actions of third parties.

IV. Use of the services

  1. Dr Irena Eris S.A. is the owner of the website www.drirenaeris.com and provides the following services as part of it:
     a) providing online access to all Website resources,
     b) Newsletter.
  2. The current range of services offered to the User is available on the website www.drirenaeris.com.
  3. The website of Dr Irena Eris S.A. is available to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  4. Dr Irena Eris S.A. undertakes to provide the service without interruption, however, it is not responsible for the lack of access to the service for reasons beyond its control and reserves the right to a short technical break in the functioning of the Website in the event of planned, ongoing operation or maintenance of the website. drirenaeris.com or software used to provide the service.
  5. Dr Irena Eris S.A. reserves the right to temporarily suspend the operation of the Website for an important reason without prior notification of the recipients of this fact.
  6. Dr Irena Eris S.A. undertakes not to send illegal content within the meaning of Art. 8 sec. 3 point 2 (b) the Act on the provision of services electronically.
  7. Sometimes it’s right for the party www.drirenaeris.com is the time appropriate for the territory of Poland.

V. Newsletter

  1. Dr Irena Eris S.A. provides the Newsletter service on the terms set out herein.
  2. Before subscribing to the Newsletter service, the User is obliged to read the content of these Terms of Use.
  3. The subscription to the Newsletter service takes place by providing the e-mail address by the User and giving the consent referred to below.
  4. The user subscribing to the Newsletter agrees to be sent by Dr Irena Eris S.A. or an entity from the Dr Irena Eris Group via the Newsletter of commercial information within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services electronically (i.e., Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2013, item 1422 as amended), at the e-mail address provided by the User.
  5. Commercial information sent to the User will only concern Dr Irena Eris S.A. and entities belonging to the Dr Irena Eris Group.
  6. ³ The ordered Newsletter is sent only to the e-mail address provided by the User. Dr Irena Eris S.A. undertakes not to share the e-mail addresses entrusted to it with third parties, except for entities of the Dr Irena Eris Group in accordance with the consent expressed.
  7. The User shall have the right to unsubscribe from the Newsletter service at any time. The subscription can be cancelled by sending an e-mail with information to the address serwis@drirenaeris.com
  8. Removal of the User’s account from the address database takes place within 3 days from the date of receipt of the application by Dr Irena Eris S.A. and may be signalled with a message confirming the operation.
  9. The User undertakes to use the Website only in a manner consistent with applicable law, principles of social coexistence and morality, with respect for intellectual property rights.
  10. Dr Irena Eris S.A. reserves the right to delete the account whose User has violated these Regulations or the law in force in the Republic of Poland or takes actions that interfere with the uninterrupted use of the service by other Users or the provision of illegal content.

VI. Complaint procedure.

  1. The User has the right to submit complaints with regard to the use of the Website and Services.
  2. The complaint may be submitted by e-mail to the e-mail address placed by Dr Irena Eris S.A. on the website www.drirenaeris.com and used to send orders, inquiries, and complaints. Complaints may also be submitted in writing by post to the address of Dr Irena Eris S.A. with its seat in Piaseczno, ul. Armii Krajowej 12, 05-500 Piaseczno.
  3. The complaint should be submitted within 7 days from the date of the event justifying the complaint. A correctly submitted complaint should include:
     a) User’s data, including name, surname, address, e-mail address,
     b) the subject of the complaint,
     c) reasons for the complaint,
  4. Dr Irena Eris S.A. will make every effort to ensure that complaints are considered no later than 14 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint, and in particularly complicated cases no later than 30 working days.
  5. The user will be informed in writing or via e-mail about the position taken by Dr Irena Eris S.A. regarding the complaint.
  6. If the complaint is rejected by Dr Irena Eris S.A., the User may assert his rights on general terms.

VII. Final Provisions.

  1. These Regulations are available to each User on the website www.drirenaeris.com.
  2. Dr Irena Eris S.A. shall have the right to unilaterally decide on the content of the Website, make changes to it or stop providing the Services without the need to obtain the User’s consent or inform him about his intentions.
  3. Dr Irena Eris S.A. shall not be liable for the consequences of the User’s use of information obtained through the Website, in particular for the consequences of decisions made on their basis in the field of financial management, health protection, upbringing and education of children, forms of spending free time and any other aspects of life.
  4. Works posted on the Website are subject to legal protection in accordance with generally applicable laws, including in particular the Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (consolidated text Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2014, item 121), the Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (consolidated text Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2006 no 90, item 631), the Act of June 30, 2000 Industrial Property Law (consolidated text Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2002. no. 119, item 1117) and the Act of 16 April 1993 on combating unfair competition (consolidated text, Polish Journal of Laws: Dz.U. of 2003, No. 153 item 1503).
  5. Dr Irena Eris S.A. respects the right of each User to privacy and protection of their personal data.
  6. In the case of using certain types of products or services offered on the Website, the User may be asked to provide certain Personal Data, in particular when participating in all kinds of loyalty programs, promotional campaigns, contests, surveys or using online purchases.
  7. The controller of personal data is Dr Irena Eris S.A. ul. Armii Krajowej 12, 05-500 Piaseczno, e-mail address: serwis@DrIrenaEris.com, however, the User’s personal data may be processed to the extent covered by this consent by entities from the Dr Irena Eris S.A. capital group on the basis of a personal data entrustment agreement.
  8. The data provided by the User may be made available to entities authorized under the Personal Data Protection Act, in particular for the purposes of criminal proceedings.
  9. Providing personal data by the user is voluntary.
  10. Dr Irena Eris S.A. ensure that they will exercise due diligence to guarantee full protection of all information provided, including Personal Data, so as to make the use of the Website completely safe for the User.
  11. Dr Irena Eris S.A. reserves the right to unilaterally amend the Regulations. The changes will be immediately published in the form of a standardized version on the Website and come into force on the day of their publication on the Website.
  12. In matters not covered in the Regulations, the provisions of the Act on the provision of electronic services, the Act on copyright and related rights, and the Civil Code shall apply.

These Terms of Use shall enter into force on 25 May 2018.